Beirut, Lebanon, December 1-2, 2016
Naseej the Arab world s leader in Knowledge Management Solutions is the platinum sponsor of the 6th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment e-AGE 2016, to be organized by the American University at Beirut, Lebanon, on December 1-2, 2016.
In line with ASREN s major objectives, e-Age seeks to create awareness, promote collaboration and joint activities and establish human networks in order to facilitate cooperation among researchers and academicians in the Arab region and the rest of the world.
At the AROQA 8th Annual Conference on Enabling Regional Quality in Education (AROQA 2016) to be organized in conjunction with e-AGE 2016 and under The Patronage of The Lebanese Minister of Telecommunications Chaired by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of AROQA, Naseej will hold a detailed session presented by Mr. Stephen Halbrook Regional Sales Consultant, TK20 titled: Managing Assessment Data and Accreditation Reporting in a Single System. Furthermore, at the exhibition to be held alongside the conference, Naseej will display Tk20 s latest Academic Assessment and Accreditation Solutions.
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