Tunis, Tunisia, April 2325, 2014
Naseej the Arab world’s leader in Knowledge Management Solutions will participate in the Maghreb Forum on Cooperation between Libraries, and Information and Documentation Services, to be held April 2325, 2014. The Forum is hosted by the Tunis City of Sciences, Tunisia, in collaboration with the Federation of University Libraries and Information Services (FEBUS) and the Higher Institute of Documentation (ISD).
During this event Naseej will showcase its cutting-edge solutions for academic and research libraries, from Innovative Interfaces, and solutions for public and national libraries from SirsiDynix, to state-of-the-art e-learning solutions and platforms from Desire2Learn, and book2net s digitization, conversion and cataloging solutions. Naseej will also present its latest AcKnowledge Search and Discovery Portal, also Naseej will present the information resources and professional databases from IGI Global, CabI, Statref, Credo Reference and Lexicomp. In addition, Naseej will offer its archives and museum management solutions from adlib.
Eng. Abdullah Al Turaifi Naseej VP highlighted the importance of the First Maghreb Forum: “The Forum offers a new platform where library professionals and document a lists across the Maghreb states can gather to share their insights on common issues, search for effective solutions, and work on joint archiving, indexing and cataloging projects to serve the Maghreb community, while building academic library consortia enhanced with cutting-edge information systems.”
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